Thursday, June 14, 2012

F*&%^$@ Cats

Today has been just great. With a capital G! GREAT!

Sarcasm? No, not me.

We started at about 9 this morning and the weather was beautiful, we went to Musei Capitolini and it was beautiful, they had so many great pieces of art work and had an amazing exhibit from the Vatican archives that I am going to have to go back and look at because I just ran out of time. Well once we all finished the museum the plan that we were "told" about last night over FB, was that we needed to bring a lunch and we were going to have lunch somewhere scenic. We got out of museum about 12:45 and by 1 nothing had been said about food except that a lot of people stopped to get a snack at the cafeteria. My response of course was what cafeteria and where? Apparently there was a cafeteria. Well for those of us that didn't find it, as one can imagine we were pretty hungry, and if you know me, you know that when I get hungry I get severely cranky. And that pretty side came right on out. It turned into a big ordeal and finally those that were about to pass out from hunger around 1:45 found a place to order sandwiches and then we got to walk some more past the Circus Maximus and then some more past the Municipal Rose Garden till we found the top of the Aventine Hill and had a beautiful lunch. Scott and I ate together on a bench and I don't think either one of us said more than two words to each other till we were done eating.

But wait the day gets even better!

While hanging out on this hill with a spectacular view I got pooed on by a bird, right on the top of my head. Oh yes, that girl was me. Luckily the park we were in had a water fountain (they are all around Rome and the water comes from the aqueducts outside the city) and I got to "rinse" that part of my hair out. Super fun! The view was still amazing, and after that all I could do was just laugh, and laugh I did.

We walked around a lot more and I was fine with that since I had food in my belly.

Around 5 we arrived at Trastevere and decided to take a little break and as we were doing so my friend Jess got pooed on. I felt so bad for her, and felt her pain at the same time! They say it's good luck, so bring on the good luck!

It was time to have a drink. And pronto.

We went into a beautiful church that I cannot remember the name of right now but it was covered in mosaics and just gorgeous. I took pictures and they will be posted soon.

NOW it was time for a drink. Lauren, Karen and I walked around Trastevere and then ended up running into the group again but this time they had pretty pink drinks in their hands and I wanted one! We found the cute little sports bar filled with some very cute Italians (Italy was playing soccer tonight), booked it to the bathroom that was conveniently located outside. I know. Weird. We ordered some pretty pink drinks with prosecco and cranberry and had smiles on our faces (later only to find out I left my brand new nice plastic water bottle on the bar). Glorious glorious prosecco. After that we sat on the fountain in front of the mosaic church, listened to a homeless man yodel his little heart out, watched some of the cutest pups run after birds as happy as they could be and checked out a cute little gift shop.

Karen and I had a nice, cheap, and pleasant dinner, got on the tram to head back home by 8, stopped for gelato and are now home.

I am about to do some studying for tomorrow’s classes. TGTIF! Whew.

Oh yeah and we have these keys that are electronic and small and that’s how we get in bldg. and our room.... guess who keeps locking her self out of her room :)

Keep posted.... this weekend is POMPEII!!!!

Oh yeah, title story... Rome is obsessed with cats for some odd reason. They literally are in the most random places hanging out, and they are ALL over the post cards ... so every time we see one we say F'in cats man, and laugh hysterically every time. Never fails. If you don't think its funny, thats ok. I do and its my blog :)

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