Thursday, July 29, 2010

After It All

I realize that I did not blog about Egypt, but by now most of you have heard the stories and have seen the pictures, so we will just move on.
It has been about 4 weeks since I have been home and I swear the minute I woke up Monday morning after getting home around 11 PM the night before, I hit the ground running. The house has been under construction since I left, and so far it looks amazing. I came home to a brand new bed and headboard. I havent had one of those since I was in HS. The house has been completly repainted, we have brand new floors downstairs, getting new carpet upstairs, new blinds for the windows in the living room and much more. I cant thank Miss Currie enough for all the help!
That following Tuesday I started to work for Quantum Resource Management and get up every morning since then and go to work. I dont know when my last day is since I am temp, I just wait till Friday when my boss says ok, see you on Monday, and I know I am here for another week. Taking after the fam and working in the oil & gas business. Who would have thought?

The best part about being back is my friends/family/pups. I think a few of them actually missed me, and the dogs totally freaked when I got home. It was so cute! I loved catching up with everyone and retelling my adventure over and over and over, but the more I talked about it, the more I realized I was a little sad not to be there anymore and that my group was not with me here in Houston. I had become so used to them and our little jokes, when I wanted to say something, I realized no one would get it and I would look like a moron. Not that that has ever stopped me before, it just made me realize how much I missed them.

The come down from a great vacation is never easy, even when its rough and tuff, and tests your patience many times over. Coming down from being away for a month, I swear is 10x harder. And not having time to settle into being back was a huge shock to my system. I havent been a part of the real world since November, and now I see why people enjoy school so much. This real world thing sucks a bit. :) However, really glad to have some money and making new friends here is next on the agenda, oh and trying hard not to punch miss priss around the office. Shes on my list.

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