Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 27, 2010

Today is our last day here in Madaba, and I feel slightly lost. There hasnt been a day since I have been here where we were not doing something or going somewhere all the time. A free day all to ourselves? Not sure what to do.

Friday ended up being our last day on the dig site and we closed up our square just before noon. It was sort of sad. After all the hard work we had done, they threw a bunch of dirt over plastic bags to back fill over all the digging we had done. Friday I also managed to catch my roommates cold that she brought back from Greece. Or I really am just allergic to dirt.

Saturday we worked in the work room for a bit, and I was feeling so sick by 9:30 I was back in bed and stayed there all day. I got up for lunch and our dig party and thats about it. Our dig party was actually really nice and a lot of fun. We had the upstairs to Haret Joudna, had some wine and yummy pizza. After that I was back in bed and didnt get up till about 9:45 this morning. I am feeling a bit better, and was excited that I got some Claratin at the pharmacy yesterday.

I am mostly packed for Egypt. I have a few things here and there lying around, shoes are drying after washing them in the tub, camera is charged, phone is charged and I still have no clue what to do with myself. I have been to 90% of the stores here, seen the churches, and walked the city. I guess that means I get to go to the pool and read my book for a few hours. Weird.

Sad to say bye to Jordan, but I think I have had my fill and ready to move on. Its a great place, and the people really are nice, minus the few kids who throw bullets and yell at you, but everyone else says welcome to Jordan as you walk past and its nice. The hotel staff has been great, and the group I am with has its quirks and personalities. But bring on EGYPT!!!!

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