Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9, 2010

Dig day 3 and I am beyond tired, and not sleeping more than 2-3 hours a night is not helping. :( So sad. Today's dig went well, we articulated more stones and think that we might have found a wall under all the rubbel we have been digging through the past few days. It's very exciting to finally see progress. Right now we joke back and forth with people who actually find pottery and bones, we tell them we found dirt and rocks. They seem pretty jealous. Maybe.
Right now my legs are starting to look like the newest member of fight club. Sexy. My hands have developed blisters and dont really open all the way with out some serious pushing, and my arms are a little tired. And it's still one of the coolest things ever.

Oh, but I did find a rock today that when I finally fished it out of the dirt it was broken in 1/2 and I am pretty sure there are small crystals forming in the middle of the rock. I wish I had more geology uinder my belt to identify the rock and to see if they really are crystals and not just salt or some fungus. That would be bad.

Tonight I am going to have a beer and then hopefully hit the hay early. I tried that last night, but dinner was terrible so a few of us went out to try the local flavor and then stopped and raided a convienient store for ice cream. Yum.


tateyboy said...


Nikki said...

Glad you are having fun! Miss you!